Thursday, October 8, 2009
A moment
He was just trying to sell a paper, and some poetry he had written. He was also trying to pass out his resume. As the music played, and the train neared my stop at Belmont, I dug through my purse, pulled out a dollar, and tapped the man on his back, "I'll buy some of your poetry."
"Thank you, miss. What poem do you want?" He asked, digging through a Manila folder full of neatly stacked papers.
"Whichever one's your favorite."
"This one. This one's my favorite, miss. It's called 'I Feel No Pain.' "
"Then I'll take that one."
The train continued to my stop. From the corner of my eye I noticed a younger guy with spiky blonde hair staring at me. He seemed to be smirking. Not sure if he thought I had just been duped, or if he thought it was a nice gesture.
Or maybe he was thinking about something else...a random girl he met at the bar, elephants, the deodorant marks on the bottom of my shirt (yeah...I didn't notice until like 8pm...).
I don't know. What I *do* know is that the poetry isn't half bad. And the funny thing? It was mildly fitting for things going on in my own life.
I just felt moved at that moment. Maybe it was Sir Paul...maybe it was the honesty I heard in the streetwise vendor's voice...maybe it was something completed unrelated to any of those things...
I just thought I'd share.
Also, Apes was PHENOMENAL. When I walked in, there was a big screen on stage, and I was surprised to see that they were showing footage I had shot with some of the great folks at Blewt about a year and a half ago of me doing a hula hoop routine. I mean, there I was, larger than life (and about 40 pounds heavier...), hooping away. What was kind of surreal was watching the rest of the audience as they watched me. I heard a few "Wow, she's good"s and giggles. And then, once the video ended, the audience actually applauded.
It was pretty cool. No one realized I was the girl on the screen; that was fine by me though. I got to have this secret moment to myself. Kind of like a secret shopper. I don't know. Anyhow, please, if you get the chance in the next 4 weeks, check out Apes at ComedySportz Wednedsay nights a 8pm. Definitely a fun show, with many, many talented folks...contestants and hosts/judges/etc. alike.
I'm actually thinking about auditioning next season. It looks like heaps of fun. Heaps I say!
On a completely different note...I am a terrible cook.
Here's what happens when I try to hard-boil eggs:, right?
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm a terrible blogger...
I guess I've just been really busy. With what? Well, work, Max, improv...the whole lot. I'm about to finish level D at Second City. Our show is this coming Sunday the 11th at 2:30pm in the e.t.c. Theater at Second City. Should be a good time. I know I'm excited. Only catch is that it's the same day as the Chicago Marathon, so traffic and parking will be horrendous. Ick.
I'm 2 classes away from finishing level 1 at iO, all signed up for level 2. Brilliant news: I got the internship at iO. I'm so super excited about it it's ridiculous. I mean seriously...incontinent with excitement.
I'm also planning to audition for the Incubator program in a couple weeks. Things are going to get busy, right? But I figure, I worked 3 jobs, went to school full time, and raised a this should be easy.
I feel like everything I'm writing is terribly lame. I think it's because it's more stream of consciousness than well-thought-out blog entry. Plus I'm catching you all up on things that have happened over the course of nearly an entire month. (This is why we start improv scenes AFTER the "Hey how are you" moment.)
What else? Well, my birthday is this month. October 23rd I'll be 29. That's crazy. I mean, seriously weird. The last year of my 20s? Are you kidding? Where the heck did the time go? I'm not saying that I'm old (although, some might argue that I am...) nor do I feel old (although this time of year the cold weather makes my joints hurt...and recently if I eat anything after 8pm I get heartburn...) but it just feels like the last 4 or 5 years just flew the eff by. Like I blinked and bam...I've time travelled to age 29.
It's been making me really introspective...and also, a little be more willing to take risks, I guess? I'm not sure how to explain it.
Last week was busy at work, so I only caught the jam and Blackout, in terms of improv. Saw a really fun Halloween Burlesque show Saturday. I recommend you check it out if you're a fan of hilarity and burlesque dancing. Risque, but classy.
This week I'm crammin' in more improv...Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Break Saturday to chill with Max, and cap the weekend off with my Level D show.
It's gonna be a wild ride. Hang on tight.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What a Tuesday night looks like
Was lucky enough to see some great shows, Cook County Social Club, Babymakers, 21st Century Men, Black Ted Williams, and Gingersnaps.
I laughed so hard last night, I actually cried...and ran the risk of literally wetting my pants. (I HAD to go...but I couldn't justify missing a CCSC scene. Couldn't do it. Glad I didn't. Also glad I was able to keep the whole situation under control...)
Another high point in the night included my ability...for only the second and third times in my tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. (It's the simple things that really make my life complete, ya know?)
Tonight, I'm going to catch the free show at 8pm, followed by the upstairs show at 10:30. Then class both Thursday and Friday, and hopefully taking my son to Storytown Saturday morning.
Oh, and OF COURSE...the Jam on Friday. Can't forget the Jam.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Awesome weekend.
No matter *lol*
Class Friday was pretty incredible. Our teacher was out so we had two subs...both of which were great, one of which was Charna. Awesome experience. She even complimented our class as a whole, and went on to say there were quite a few talented women in the bunch. Not sure if I was being included in that bunch, but I'll take it.
I'm so in love with improv. What a geek right? I don't care...that's just my nature.
Aside from improv-related things, other parts of the weekend were stellar as well. Oh...yes.
Also, this morning I've been attracting an odd amount of aphids. Yes...aphids. Little green aphids seem to rather enjoy my silk pj pants. No matter. Harmless coffee buddies, I suppose.
Oh, and a very nice Irish boy told me that there was no way I was older than 22...23 tops. I had to then inform him that I'm an almost-29-year-old divorcee with a 4th grade son. *lol* Still, it was quite a nice sentiment.
Gonna house hunt today and take it easy tomorrow. Perhaps I can try to see another show...(geek).
Friday, September 4, 2009
reasons why
I know, for me, it was always something that intrigued me. But I never had the time or the money to do it until this past January. And then, after a few classes, I realized it meant more to me than I had previously thought.
Just this week I asked a good friend about his journey. Same thing...always wanted to do it, never really had the means...then, after a seemingly terrible run with luck, it just happened for him. It was really interesting...I mean, it was a sad story, but I think it has a happy ending. The guy's a great improviser.
I also met someone who recently moved to Chicago for the sole purpose of improv. His excitement was so awesome to see...I mean, as a fresh improviser myself, I can completely relate. (That whole "honeymoon phase" thing I talked about last post.)
Anyhow, tonight is my second Level 1 class at iO. Super excited. Then I'm hoping to hit Improvised Shakespeare at 10:30, followed by the Jam.
I have been so hungry for this ALL WEEK.
Speaking of hungry...check out the size of this cookie I had yesterday:
I must admit, I got about 5 bites in before it dominated me.
But it was delicious.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
need more improv
I've become an improv nerd. My weeks aren't complete unless I've seen at least 2 shows. And I feel weird that I can't see shows on Sundays, Mondays, or Tuesdays...but it's for a good reason. And in a few years, Max will be old enough to come join it's a small sacrifice.
This week has been really busy with work, making seeing shows really difficult...but I'm gonna try to get my 2 in...that's a promise.
Also, my iO class is amazing. I absolutely love it. I've only had one class, but man, what a plethora of things I learned in those 3 hours.
If I were to use metaphor to describe my relationship with improv, it would have to be a new boyfriend. That's fitting right? I mean, you know that part of a relationship where everything is new and just peachy...that part where it's like, you know the other person burps and farts and has some not-so-good qualities, but you completely overlook that because you're so enamored? Yeah, that's me and improv right now...well, since January (and probably before...because, let's face it...I've had a crush on improv my entire life.)
Although, I guess it's more platonic...but, on the other hand, performing is sometimes as satisfying as in this analogy, improv is my boyfriend, in the honeymoon stage of the relationship, and performing (either in front of a crowd or in class) is the sex...or at least a hot and heavy make out session.
Yeah. It follows.
Anyhow, what the fuck am I talking about? Rereading all that, I realize how incredibly silly it sounds. But hey, I make no apologies for my awkwardness...that's just me.
For example:
Not only did I actually leave the house to take Max to school in my penguin pajama pants...but I also managed to accidentally wear two different flip flops...and I didn't notice until I had gotten home. (I mean, I didn't notice the flip flops...I was well aware of the pants.)
Looking forward to Friday...I have a hot date with improv. (And perhaps one tonight if I can hustle...)
Whale poop.
(Non sequitur)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I'm learning
And said commercial bothers the crap out of me...before I get into why I should explain the case you're unfamiliar. (Names were changed because I can't remember their actual names...)
It goes a little something like this:
Female: "I'm Kelly, Marketing blah blah blah from Kraft"
Male: "And I'm Todd, baseball fan."
Female: "We're here today to announce a special thing from Kraft. Called, [Insert Marketing Ploy Name Here]...where if you eat some cheese and bring a wrapper to the ticket window, Kraft will buy one ticket for you."
Male: "This is great! And maybe I can watch my home team hit a single!"
Female: "Wait. That's mean, why would anybody want to hit a single?"
Male: "No it's good. We want the team to hit a bunch of singles!"
Female: "Wait. No! We don't want people hitting our cheese!"
And it goes on like this, with the guy getting aggravated with the girl and vice versa...for like 2 minutes.
But today I figured out why it bothers me so much...I mean, beyond the cheesiness (no pun intended) of the commercial in general...)
It's because nobody would let this miscommunication actually go on that long. I mean, if it were and actual conversation...the moment the woman said "hitting our cheese" any normal person would simply say something along the lines of " meant a Kraft Single. I'm talking about a play in baseball. When the batter hits the ball and takes first base. *haha haha awkward laugh*"
It bothers me because it's not an honest back and forth. The reactions are faked to create this commercial, as opposed to creating an actual conversation between two people who are misunderstanding each other and building the commercial out of that.
And I think I picked up on due to my improv classes. Truthful human interaction and response is much more opposed to forced situations...or those that simply try to get the "funny."
Also, I really hate cooked carrots.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
a rip roarin' good time
But, it was a good experience nonetheless. I mean, as a budding improviser I realize that I'm going to have some bad nights on stage. What better place to experience that than at a midnight jam?
Got some really stellar advice from someone in the improv community that I look up to. Basically, he told me that it takes a lot of balls to get up there during a jam. It's the hardest gig out there. Succeed or fail, there shouldn't be any judgement. He also let me know that I'm going to have a blast at my iO classes...which start on Friday. I'm stoked.
This week, I plan on trying to catch the free Wednesday show, and I'm definitely going to check out Tj and's been about a month since I caught that show. Thursday is class, Friday is class, and then the jam...which I hope is a little bit more full of life this week.
Then Saturday I start the house search all over again. It's out there. I know it. I just can't wait til I find it so that I can settle in and have one less thing on my plate to stress me out.
Also, I've discovered that "assbag" is my new favorite word.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday...(I couldn't come up with a catchier title...)
What else? Oh...ROCKIN' class last night. Absolutely. And the funniest moments were when we were strictly playing reality. Even though deep down I know playing reality is key, sometimes it's so hard to jump out of your mind and just let things happen naturally. There's sometimes this pressure to get a scene started. And you know what? There really doesn't need to be.
Last night's class just reinforced that. And hopefully I can put it into practice tonight. Or sometime soon.
On another note, I have a monologue workshop tomorrow afternoon. Actually really excited about it. It's to help you prepare for auditions and whatnot. Who knows if I'll ever even have the opportunity to actually audition for anything...but, might as well keep that in my back pocket, right? I mean honestly, the more tools in my belt, the more...well, i don't know. I think it's nice to learn what I can...and the workshop is free.
I'm rambling now. To be quite honest, I'm killing time before I can leave and meet up with B for sushi. I'd really rather not stand alone in Wrigleyville, but, it's lookin that way. Oh well.
This entry was so lame. I apologize.
Elephant farts and rat gonads.
There. Non-sequitur.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
And I Just Can't Hide It
This week (and the weeks that follow, most likely) will be spent seeing shows, doing jams, and perhaps taking a workshop (haven't heard back yet).
And this blog post is incredibly boring. I realize. But there are clients here at work and it's making me nervous.
There are also bagels.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
anticipation has a purpose
So, here it is: I'm NOT dropping out of Second City...instead I'm going to continue through the program AND start at iO. So, double the improv until January. Which is awesome by me!
It's been a while since I've written anything of any real note, hasn't it? Sorry about that. I've been really focused on work these days. Lots of deadlines and writing, etc. Sometimes writing for myself gets pushed to the wayside.
As I'm typing this, I'm realizing how much I actually LIKE to type. I can see my fingers moving out of my peripheral vision. I didn't realize how accustomed I've gotten to the keyboard *lol*
Lame. I'm sorry. Let's see...what else?
Oh yes, I was thinking earlier today how much I enjoy my trips on the red line while listening to my iPod. Music makes the whole world a completely different place. I also enjoy my 20 minute walk to Piper's Alley on Thursdays. I crank up my music and just enjoy everything. It's like the world is going on around me and I've just added my own soundtrack. Sometimes there's an inner monologue going on in my head. Weird, I know. But makes me smile.
I realize this all has nothing to do with my improv journey. Sorry. But if you think about it, everything I notice wherever I go has the potential to influence my improvisation, right?
I guess I should mention one snafu I experienced at the Jam on Friday night. I was in a scene with a really nice guy. I don't think he had any experience, but man was he an awesome sport. We were playing Take That Back, and had established a scene where he owed me some money. At one point, the jam masters cornered me with taking my sentences back, and I ended up drawing a blank. So I ended up saying the first thing to pop into my head, which just so happened to be "Let's go to Kentucky Fried Chicken."
Now...normally this wouldn't even have been something that contributed to the scene...however, my scene partner was African-American and the audience suddenly started making that collective "Oooh" noise that signifies that someone has just crossed a line.
Problem is, I would NEVER cross a line purposely like that. So there I was, ignoring the audience and trying to get through the rest of the scene, thinking that I have just offended my partner and the audience. It was a HORRIBLE feeling. Luckily, it was soon forgotten, but think that your partner thinks you've just disrespected him or her is a terrible feeling.
It's those damn Kentucky Grilled Chicken commercials all over the place. They're stuck in my brain.
Anyways, so yeah...that sucked. But, like I said, my scene partner was totally cool about it. I think he knew it wasn't intentional.
The rest of the night I only played one game of Pillars (as the Pillar...AGAIN...) and a couple line games. Then I headed home for the night.
But I guess that moment taught me to REALLY pay attention to what's going on around me more than I was already. I always listen, but I guess sometimes that's not enough.
Anyhow, that's my update for now. I could keep typing just because I like it, but that would be boring...because there's really nothing left to say at this point.
But I could keep rambling...and I bet you'd keep reading.
It's like I have you at the mercy of my fingertips...literally.
There you go again.
Haha. Sorry. I couldn't help myself.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Went to the jam on Friday, didn't feel like I did my best, but I had fun. So there's that.
This week it's Tj and Dave...again. It's becoming a habit I think. But it's so inspiring to me. I don't know. Maybe I'm lame that way. But, works for me.
M and K might be joining me up at the jam on Friday this week. So excited! They won't play, but I think they'll have a great time!
Then, it's No Doubt on Saturday...which isn't really improv-related, but seriously exciting nonetheless. I went to my first No Doubt concert in July of 1996 or 97. I can't believe it's been that long since I first saw them.
Anyhow, back to work. Just wanted to jot some things down so you all didn't think I just gave up on this thing.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
i like bananas
In other news, last week in improv was quite eventful.
Saw Tj and Dave again, although Dave wasn't there because he was out of town and another very funny improviser filled in for him. My favorite quote from the night was "that fire is really finger-banging that house!" You had to be there?
Afterwards, I hightailed it to the red line, which is always a bit scary at like 12:30am. But I managed all right. Enjoyed people-watching from the platform and the bumpy ride to my stop.
Thursday was an awesome class, followed by Open Court at the Playground with B and Baby K. I'm still shaky when it comes to longform, but I love trying it nonetheless.
Friday, I went to B's before the jam where we ate salads and chit chatted. Then we headed to Wrigleyville, where we ended up at a mailbox party. The last time I went to one of those was in 2005...on a first date...with a, the guy wasn't very cool. And I mean in that whole, "what the fuck, dude?" way.
This time was totally by accident (actually, the first time was by accident as well...) and the place was virtually empty. So we moved to Goose Island and then headed to iO for the Jam.
Can I just say? B and I had a really great experience in our first scene. The audience seemed to dig it, but beyond that, bigger than that, was that we seemed to mesh so well on stage. Just building off of each other, and heightening the scene. It's happened in class before, but it was different this time.
This time, it was kind of like we stepped out of the rehearsal hall, and straight into the recital...audience and all. And it was a magical moment for me. It was also quite humbling. To realize that I am surrounded by so many talented people, in class, and in all the shows that I've seen. It makes me realize that even in moments such as the scene with B, there's still so much to learn and strive for.
Maybe it's the writer in me...never quite satisfied to the point of feeling like I've conquered something, but instead always finding new things to learn, new ways to explore, new goals to set and hopefully reach. I feel truly passionate about improv in that respect. Much like the way I feel about writing.
And maybe that's my beginner's naivete, and maybe some of you reading this will find it pretty sappy. But what can I say? That's just my take on it.
Anyhow, Saturday I caught the 10:30 Harold with Henrietta Pussycat and Bullet Lounge, and then the midnight The Late Night Late Show reunion, where I had the opportunity to sit about 5 feet from David Cross, and later shake his hand. I laughed so hard during both amazing shows that my dimples were literally etched in my cheeks for an hour after I'd stopped laughing. I mean, my face honestly hurt a little.
I managed to make it back to the red line, and later my car, and even later, my bed, safely...even though it was incredibly late and scaries were out in full force.
Tomorrow, I'll be catching Tj and Dave again, and then I've got a few other things planned. Should be another stellar week in improv.
Also, here's B and I as we presented "Wig":
Friday, June 19, 2009
ooh friday
I know that at the end of the tunnel lies some good times with great people, so, if I work my ass off the entire day, I feel rewarded. (Although, maybe it's not so Pavlovian, because I feel that if I dicked around all day, I would still be rewarded by fun. Whatever. )
But I haven't dicked around all day. I'm like freaking lightning today. Spitting out work like it's my---job...yeah, I realize that it IS my that didn't quite work as a simile.
More to the point: Jam tonight. Love the iO jam. I've recently started going to a jam at the Playground on Thursday nights. I'm still getting used to it. It's mainly longform...and I'm not schooled in longform...yet. But it's really fun for me. It's also fun to work with new people and watch other talent. Seriously. It's inspiring. And, eventually, I'll get better at it...I think?
I hope.
But back to Friday. iO jam. Love it. Aaaaaaaand, I'm pre-partying with B and Mimi. Last time we did this, it was a BLAST. Super fun because we girl-talked and then eventually ended up working on characters...organically.
Only about 2.5 more hours of work and then I'm headed off to B's to get ready for tonight. I'm pumped. PUMPED.
I suppose, I should stop dicking around and get back to work. Much to do, and I'm 3/4's of the way done.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite things about summer and living in walking distance to the laundromat/ice cream shop:
Bubblegum FlavorBurst Cones. Holy shit these are delicious.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tomorrow is class and the Open Court at the Playground. Friday, definitely Jam... and hanging wirh B!
And Saturday, hopefully DSTW at the Playground with B again.
It's hump day! Go nuts!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Oscar-winning moment
See...yesterday I took Max to the park. Now, being a young parent, I don't really have any other parent friends...and I don't always relate to other parents in situations such as the park. I did some observing and noticed other parents there, just sitting around, watching their kids or pushing them calmly on the swings.
And here I was, talking in a New York accent, pushing Max on the tire swing, telling him I was Tommy, the tire swing concierge...and that by pushing him, I was doing him a favor. A favor which I'd like returned. I told him I was going to push him 10 minutes into the future and his job was to tell me how different it was.
He was laughing like a hyena. (So was I.) This went on for 20 good minutes or so. Then, I got on the tire swing and noticed him mimicking me to an extent. And that's when I realized something: improv has made me a better parent.
Maybe that's sappy, but it's true. It's helped me to stay in the moment and really listen to Max. And I've noticed that when we spend time together, it's a lot more full than it's been before.
I started taking classes because I've always wanted to be an improviser, and because I needed to polish my wit for work. But what I've found is that improv has unlocked this part of me that I never knew existed.
There might be some who think that perhaps I'm not looking at improv the right way, but I would have to disagree. It's an art. Indeed, I know this. But along with that, I've found it's almost a metaphor for one way to live one's life: Stay in the moment and listen.
I realize how sappy I sound...but look, 10 minutes into the future, I have a Popeye arm...just one gigantic arm...the right one to be exact.
...and if it weren't for improv, I wouldn't have been able to prepare myself for that.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tonight I hit the SCTC faculty show which was awesome. Gonna head back to Indiana and hang with my girls because it's been way too long since we've done that.
Also there are drunks everywhere in North avenue. I mean everywhere. The people watching is AMAZING.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday, Friday, Friday!
Tonight will be jam-packed with some Harold-watching, a few libations, and then the iO jam. It's one of my favorite nights, for sure.
Then tomorrow, there's a SCTC Faculty show at 9pm, followed by me heading back over to iO to watch some friends/acquaintances etc., in a 10:30pm show.
I've also discovered Open Court at the Playground. I LOVE IT. Got to do a mini Armando yesterday. Although my long-form experience is limited to spectating, I didn't think I did too terribly bad. I think if our team (named "Olivia" for the night) wouldn't have gone first, I might have done better. But whatever. Everyone had some great moments. And it was fun to play in a completely new way. This will likely become a regular thing for me.
Also, stopped in the bathroom today at work. Since moving upstairs, I now must use the "poop" bathroom...designated so because it's far away from everything else in the entire building. This particular bathroom sports a mural of aquatic life. And this guy here always makes me wonder:
I mean, I'm assuming those are currents created by him swimming swiftly through the sea...but part of me can't help but wonder if he's actually farting. None of the other fish have these curly lines near their rear ends. And in a bathroom labeled the "poop" bathroom, I find the latter explanation much more fitting.
Also, it's really hard to feel comfortable doing any form of business with this guy directly staring down the sink and toilet:
I mean, he's really got that "I'm a pervert...but I'm gentle" smile thing going on. Doesn't he?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Anyways, I cannot WAIT to get on the softball field in about an hour. Yes, I'm aware that really I'm just a big klutz...and when I run my arms and legs flail around like overcooked spaghetti, but whatever. It's fun.
Then, it's Goose Island with K and B (and maybe J???) for a drink or two and off to iO for a 10:30pm show.
I'll be clad in cheerleading shorts, knee socks, and my team shirt. Ridiculous.
Also, it troubles me when a product that's supposed to be ice cream, can't legally be called "ice cream"...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Also, a wise man informed me that I'm saving improv. He's ridiculous...but I dig that *lol*
Good to be home with the's back to the grind tomorrow...then on's on. Softball, followed by another round of Tj and Dave. Then Thursday it's class, and either celebrating J's birthday or Open Court at the Playground. Friday, jam...of course. And Saturday, 10:30pm Harold show and possibly some bad yet fun and hilarious dancing...all with B. And then possibly the last SCTC jam of the term.
Duuuuuude. Am I busy or what?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
an idiot
It's been rectified. So, by all means...comment away.
I missed an EPIC game of Munchkin with the boys from work, unfortunately. But R sent me an email's probably my favorite thing in history.
When I finally got home last night, I curled up in my bed and had some awesome dreams...except for the part where I broke a nail (look, I'm trying to grow them...they were stubby as hell...)
However, woke up this morning and DID break a nail. I'm hoping the rest of the stuff I dreamed about follows suit. It was good stuff.
This weekend I'm spending time with the boy. It should be both fun and relaxing.'s freezing out. I'm just saying.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
poopy shit
So, because there were only 2 people enrolled, they cancelled the clinic. What makes me feel even more poopy is that 2 of my classmates signed up for a different clinic---which they LOVE---which wasn't cancelled.
Had I known sooner, I would have switched. Meaning, I really wanted to take this particular clinic, but, if they had solidified the numbers say...on Monday...and then called me to warn me that the numbers were low...perhaps I could have switched to the Tuesday clinic.
Unless it was full.
Whatever the case, no clinic for me. And, I'm $100 richer...which is good I suppose. Hopefully they'll have another set of clinics over the summer.
In the meantime, I'm seeing Felt at iO at 8pm, followed by libations with K and B, followed by Tj and Dave at iO at 11pm.
Also, here's a picture of my very disappointed eye:
(Yes, just one eye is disappointed...the other is looking forward to the future...and possibly at some candy. But you decide which eye is which.)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday: Jam.
Saturday: I saw Drag Me to Hell with Ryan. Most fun movie I've been to in a while.
Sunday: House hunting and then the SCTC Jam.
I also saw this:
Wow...I am lame today.
(And did I really write "swell" up there?)
(Yeah...I did. Yeesh...)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Level C...on the level
Anyways, the first half hour or so was spent letting our instructor in on why we chose to take and continue classes, and what our favorite games were. After that, it was a few rounds of "getting to know you" games.
We had a 10 minute break and when we got back, we played endless rounds of freeze tag, which all culminated into 4-person scenes at the end. Our instructor didn't give us any feedback, but he sat in the corner taking copious notes...I think he's going to evaluate us as a class so he knows how to proceed.
I feel like I had a few great moments. One in particular was when I jumped into freeze without any idea, and ended up turning one of my classmates into a marionette puppet. Nothing spectacular, but the fact that he totally went with it, even implementing his own funniness by petting my leg really made it feel like a success.
I've learned throughout my improv experience that it's not necessarily what you say or how much you say, but rather what you do and how well you listen. In this case, the moment I was having with that classmate was both hilarious and rewarding...and we didn't have to really say anything to convey that.
Also, the fact that he knew exactly how to play it without a thought was incredible.
I think when it comes to scenes, I tend to err on the side of caution and remain quiet until I feel like I need to react verbally. There's no point in rambling on incessantly if it doesn't add to the scene. That type of action also makes it really difficult to do a 3 or 4 person scene.
It's about listening and give and take. You know? It's about adding to the scene and building on it.
Some of my other favorite scenes of the night were with B, one was completely in gibberish and the other was in complete silence. Both times I felt like what we created was valid and successful.
I also had one more scene with the marionette (he wasn't a marionette in this scene though), it was full-sentence and once again, he took what I brought in and totally built on it. I love that.
But I'm just rambling now. Jam tonight! Excited and nervous as usual.
Also, I stopped at McDonald's on the way home from class last night for 2 grilled chicken, ranch snack wraps when I noticed this on the bag:
I have the sinking suspicion that "McDonald's" is really a front for a male prostitution ring.
No, really. Think about it. Sausage? Special Sauce? Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun?
All sex metaphors. I'm convinced.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sick for a few days
In that time, I took a lot of naps, worked from home, and...ended up giving myself a lovely pedicure:
I start level C at the SCTC today. I'm pretty excited. I'm also excited for the iO jam tomorrow, but nothing new there, right? I think I want to try and catch a show or two on Saturday as well.
Wow, I'm quite boring today. My after-class update will, hopefully, be more interesting.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday Night Recap...of sorts
Me and B last night, post Barstool Philosophers' show. This girl rocks my world. Hilarious, fun, and just a blast to hang around (and improvise) with.
(PS: I have no idea why I look like I'm:
- going to cry
- recovering from eating something sour
- constipated...or the opposite
- shitting my pants
I'm starting to get all sentimental thinking about the great friends I've met since only January. I had gotten into improv for a plethora of reasons. Here are just a few:
- First, I just love it
- Second, I needed to come out of my shell a little
- Third, I'm passionate about it
- Fourth, I love it
- Fifth, it makes me insanely happy
Anyhow, back to The Recap. I love The Playground, btw. Such a neat little venue. The show itself was fun. 3 teams last night. All great. Each with their own moments of snort-inducing hilarity. (Yes, I was the snorter...I can't help it. But if it happens, and you happen to be the one who caused it? Be proud. It means you're funny. The snort doesn't appear for just anyone. I mean, I'm not that type of girl...)
Also, it was nice to see what happens in Chicago on a Monday night. That said, it was pretty much like most other weeknights in Chicago. Still, for me, it was interesting.
I did have the honor of meeting some dude named Billy who was looking for some chick he had previously hooked up with. Billy came from, as he said it, "the 'burbs" (Glenview I think) but had been to the city once or twice before. He proceeded to tell me and L (B's sister) about his distress over not knowing where his chick was. Did I mention he had his hat cocked all crooked and weird? Don't know what that deal was.
Billy eventually found his lady...he also called Wrigley Field the Sears Tower.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Morning After
This was mainly due to the fact that about 2 hours prior to Jam Time, I ended up with a small gall bladder attack which resulted in my having to walk to 7-11 for Rolaids...eating 6 of those Rolaids, removing my bra (the constriction from the strapless I was wearing wasn't helping my situation...), and lounging in the booth at Goose Island a la Al Bundy, minus my hand in my pants. (Taking note of my odd posture at the bar, I proceeded to practice my object work by pretending to drink a beer and use the 'clicker')
By 11:40, the attack was over thank goodness. I mean, I was literally dizzy from the pain in my tums. But since losing weight, it's rare I have attacks any more...which is totally a good thing.
I was so not about to let that rascal of a gall bladder spoil my good time. I'm a freaking trooper, right?
I had a few good scenes, and two terrible ones. But, learn, right? What was really fun about yesterday was watching some of the seasoned pros play two rounds of "Sing It," one of which resulted in 3 encores, and 2 medleys. Hilarious and brilliant.
After the jam, I headed for the red line. Some friends from work were still hanging out and playing Rock Band. Upon entering the train I noticed 3 old men trying to be 20-something club-heads, and a fairly large gentleman in a fairly small purple sweatshirt. I also noticed the distinct smell of urine, and what might possibly be described as the odor from a dead carcass. Being from Indiana, all of this stuff is still interesting for me.
I left the train and headed for the Rock, sang a few songs, beat on the drums, and then finally headed home.
All in all a pretty good Friday night, I'd say.
Not much improv planned for the weekend. I have a little writing to do for work, and the boy is with me this weekend. However, Monday night I'll be catching at show at the Playground, as the boy will be in bed and a sitter's been locked down. I have him every Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday and every other Saturday. It's different, but it just works. So I always get a little excited when I go out on one of those nights, it's like a different world to me.
Yeah...I know...the simplest things appease me, right?
What else?
Oh yes. They announced my Level C instructor. Turns out he used to be a writer for You Don't Know Jack---the trivia game my company produces. Small freaking world. Can't wait for the first class.
I'll write something tomorrow. Not sure what. But it will be...well, I'm not making any promises because it just might be really lame. But, it will be something.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday Night Jams
So, tonight is another jam...and I, of course, am super excited as usual. And nervous. It happens every time.
Okay, this entry is lame. It's Friday...I'm sorry. I'm a bit scatterbrained and ready for the fun to start. But I mean...can you blame me?
I will likely report after the fill you in on the shenanigans.