Wednesday, June 3, 2009

poopy shit

So, I was truly excited about an improv clinic I signed up for...unfortunately, only one other person besides myself was equally as excited.

So, because there were only 2 people enrolled, they cancelled the clinic. What makes me feel even more poopy is that 2 of my classmates signed up for a different clinic---which they LOVE---which wasn't cancelled.

Had I known sooner, I would have switched. Meaning, I really wanted to take this particular clinic, but, if they had solidified the numbers say...on Monday...and then called me to warn me that the numbers were low...perhaps I could have switched to the Tuesday clinic.

Unless it was full.

Whatever the case, no clinic for me. And, I'm $100 richer...which is good I suppose. Hopefully they'll have another set of clinics over the summer.

In the meantime, I'm seeing Felt at iO at 8pm, followed by libations with K and B, followed by Tj and Dave at iO at 11pm.

Also, here's a picture of my very disappointed eye:

(Yes, just one eye is disappointed...the other is looking forward to the future...and possibly at some candy. But you decide which eye is which.)

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