Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday Night Recap...of sorts

Me and B last night, post Barstool Philosophers' show. This girl rocks my world. Hilarious, fun, and just a blast to hang around (and improvise) with.

(PS: I have no idea why I look like I'm:
  • going to cry
  • recovering from eating something sour
  • constipated...or the opposite
  • shitting my pants
none of these were the case)

I'm starting to get all sentimental thinking about the great friends I've met since only January. I had gotten into improv for a plethora of reasons. Here are just a few:

  • First, I just love it
  • Second, I needed to come out of my shell a little
  • Third, I'm passionate about it
  • Fourth, I love it
  • Fifth, it makes me insanely happy
But I didn't really stop to think about how many awesome people I would meet...especially people who have the same wacky take on things as I do...or at least don't look at me like I have a nose growing out of my forehead if they don't have the same wacky take on things.

Anyhow, back to The Recap. I love The Playground, btw. Such a neat little venue. The show itself was fun. 3 teams last night. All great. Each with their own moments of snort-inducing hilarity. (Yes, I was the snorter...I can't help it. But if it happens, and you happen to be the one who caused it? Be proud. It means you're funny. The snort doesn't appear for just anyone. I mean, I'm not that type of girl...)

Also, it was nice to see what happens in Chicago on a Monday night. That said, it was pretty much like most other weeknights in Chicago. Still, for me, it was interesting.

I did have the honor of meeting some dude named Billy who was looking for some chick he had previously hooked up with. Billy came from, as he said it, "the 'burbs" (Glenview I think) but had been to the city once or twice before. He proceeded to tell me and L (B's sister) about his distress over not knowing where his chick was. Did I mention he had his hat cocked all crooked and weird? Don't know what that deal was.

Billy eventually found his lady...he also called Wrigley Field the Sears Tower.

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