Sunday, August 23, 2009

a rip roarin' good time

Although the week was pretty much, well, Friday night turned out to be extraordinarily fun. The jam itself was a little lacked some, shall we

But, it was a good experience nonetheless. I mean, as a budding improviser I realize that I'm going to have some bad nights on stage. What better place to experience that than at a midnight jam?

Got some really stellar advice from someone in the improv community that I look up to. Basically, he told me that it takes a lot of balls to get up there during a jam. It's the hardest gig out there. Succeed or fail, there shouldn't be any judgement. He also let me know that I'm going to have a blast at my iO classes...which start on Friday. I'm stoked.

This week, I plan on trying to catch the free Wednesday show, and I'm definitely going to check out Tj and's been about a month since I caught that show. Thursday is class, Friday is class, and then the jam...which I hope is a little bit more full of life this week.

Then Saturday I start the house search all over again. It's out there. I know it. I just can't wait til I find it so that I can settle in and have one less thing on my plate to stress me out.

Also, I've discovered that "assbag" is my new favorite word.

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