Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday...(I couldn't come up with a catchier title...)

Soooooooo looking forward to the Jam tonight. After this week, man...I need to laugh at life a little. Going for sushi before the show. I'm addicted. So delicious.

What else? Oh...ROCKIN' class last night. Absolutely. And the funniest moments were when we were strictly playing reality. Even though deep down I know playing reality is key, sometimes it's so hard to jump out of your mind and just let things happen naturally. There's sometimes this pressure to get a scene started. And you know what? There really doesn't need to be.

Last night's class just reinforced that. And hopefully I can put it into practice tonight. Or sometime soon.

On another note, I have a monologue workshop tomorrow afternoon. Actually really excited about it. It's to help you prepare for auditions and whatnot. Who knows if I'll ever even have the opportunity to actually audition for anything...but, might as well keep that in my back pocket, right? I mean honestly, the more tools in my belt, the more...well, i don't know. I think it's nice to learn what I can...and the workshop is free.

I'm rambling now. To be quite honest, I'm killing time before I can leave and meet up with B for sushi. I'd really rather not stand alone in Wrigleyville, but, it's lookin that way. Oh well.

This entry was so lame. I apologize.

Elephant farts and rat gonads.

There. Non-sequitur.

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