Tuesday, July 14, 2009

anticipation has a purpose

In this case, that purpose was the fact that plans have changed...slightly...since my last post in which I mentioned that there would be big news.

So, here it is: I'm NOT dropping out of Second City...instead I'm going to continue through the program AND start at iO. So, double the improv until January. Which is awesome by me!

It's been a while since I've written anything of any real note, hasn't it? Sorry about that. I've been really focused on work these days. Lots of deadlines and writing, etc. Sometimes writing for myself gets pushed to the wayside.

As I'm typing this, I'm realizing how much I actually LIKE to type. I can see my fingers moving out of my peripheral vision. I didn't realize how accustomed I've gotten to the keyboard *lol*

Lame. I'm sorry. Let's see...what else?

Oh yes, I was thinking earlier today how much I enjoy my trips on the red line while listening to my iPod. Music makes the whole world a completely different place. I also enjoy my 20 minute walk to Piper's Alley on Thursdays. I crank up my music and just enjoy everything. It's like the world is going on around me and I've just added my own soundtrack. Sometimes there's an inner monologue going on in my head. Weird, I know. But hey...it makes me smile.

I realize this all has nothing to do with my improv journey. Sorry. But if you think about it, everything I notice wherever I go has the potential to influence my improvisation, right?

I guess I should mention one snafu I experienced at the Jam on Friday night. I was in a scene with a really nice guy. I don't think he had any experience, but man was he an awesome sport. We were playing Take That Back, and had established a scene where he owed me some money. At one point, the jam masters cornered me with taking my sentences back, and I ended up drawing a blank. So I ended up saying the first thing to pop into my head, which just so happened to be "Let's go to Kentucky Fried Chicken."

Now...normally this wouldn't even have been something that contributed to the scene...however, my scene partner was African-American and the audience suddenly started making that collective "Oooh" noise that signifies that someone has just crossed a line.

Problem is, I would NEVER cross a line purposely like that. So there I was, ignoring the audience and trying to get through the rest of the scene, thinking that I have just offended my partner and the audience. It was a HORRIBLE feeling. Luckily, it was soon forgotten, but still...to think that your partner thinks you've just disrespected him or her is a terrible feeling.

It's those damn Kentucky Grilled Chicken commercials all over the place. They're stuck in my brain.

Anyways, so yeah...that sucked. But, like I said, my scene partner was totally cool about it. I think he knew it wasn't intentional.

The rest of the night I only played one game of Pillars (as the Pillar...AGAIN...) and a couple line games. Then I headed home for the night.

But I guess that moment taught me to REALLY pay attention to what's going on around me more than I was already. I always listen, but I guess sometimes that's not enough.

Anyhow, that's my update for now. I could keep typing just because I like it, but that would be boring...because there's really nothing left to say at this point.

But I could keep rambling...and I bet you'd keep reading.



It's like I have you at the mercy of my fingertips...literally.

There you go again.

Haha. Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Big announcement coming shortly. In the meantime...as far as this past weekend in improv, much fun was had.

Went to the jam on Friday, didn't feel like I did my best, but I had fun. So there's that.

This week it's Tj and Dave...again. It's becoming a habit I think. But it's so inspiring to me. I don't know. Maybe I'm lame that way. But, whatever...it works for me.

M and K might be joining me up at the jam on Friday this week. So excited! They won't play, but I think they'll have a great time!

Then, it's No Doubt on Saturday...which isn't really improv-related, but seriously exciting nonetheless. I went to my first No Doubt concert in July of 1996 or 97. I can't believe it's been that long since I first saw them.

Anyhow, back to work. Just wanted to jot some things down so you all didn't think I just gave up on this thing.
