Thursday, October 8, 2009

A moment

So yesterday I was on the red line, on my way to catch week 4 of Impress These Apes at ComedySportz. The train started off, and McCartney's "Here Today" started playing on my iPod, full blast. But over the sweet, sweet music, I heard a Streetwise vendor begin to talk. It was a neat moment, hearing this beautifully sad music with this man speaking in the background.

He was just trying to sell a paper, and some poetry he had written. He was also trying to pass out his resume. As the music played, and the train neared my stop at Belmont, I dug through my purse, pulled out a dollar, and tapped the man on his back, "I'll buy some of your poetry."

"Thank you, miss. What poem do you want?" He asked, digging through a Manila folder full of neatly stacked papers.

"Whichever one's your favorite."

"This one. This one's my favorite, miss. It's called 'I Feel No Pain.' "

"Then I'll take that one."

The train continued to my stop. From the corner of my eye I noticed a younger guy with spiky blonde hair staring at me. He seemed to be smirking. Not sure if he thought I had just been duped, or if he thought it was a nice gesture.

Or maybe he was thinking about something else...a random girl he met at the bar, elephants, the deodorant marks on the bottom of my shirt (yeah...I didn't notice until like 8pm...).

I don't know. What I *do* know is that the poetry isn't half bad. And the funny thing? It was mildly fitting for things going on in my own life.

I just felt moved at that moment. Maybe it was Sir Paul...maybe it was the honesty I heard in the streetwise vendor's voice...maybe it was something completed unrelated to any of those things...

I just thought I'd share.

Also, Apes was PHENOMENAL. When I walked in, there was a big screen on stage, and I was surprised to see that they were showing footage I had shot with some of the great folks at Blewt about a year and a half ago of me doing a hula hoop routine. I mean, there I was, larger than life (and about 40 pounds heavier...), hooping away. What was kind of surreal was watching the rest of the audience as they watched me. I heard a few "Wow, she's good"s and giggles. And then, once the video ended, the audience actually applauded.

It was pretty cool. No one realized I was the girl on the screen; that was fine by me though. I got to have this secret moment to myself. Kind of like a secret shopper. I don't know. Anyhow, please, if you get the chance in the next 4 weeks, check out Apes at ComedySportz Wednedsay nights a 8pm. Definitely a fun show, with many, many talented folks...contestants and hosts/judges/etc. alike.

I'm actually thinking about auditioning next season. It looks like heaps of fun. Heaps I say!

On a completely different note...I am a terrible cook.

Here's what happens when I try to hard-boil eggs:

, right?

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